Hi! I'm Jennifer Egan, a Narrative & Level designer,
foodie, and Dungeon Master.

Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to look around.


I'm always learning new things, and the best ones go here.

Games & Prototypes

Level Design


Art & Design

About Me

I am a narrative and level designer located in the Salt Lake City area, currently working at WB Games Avalanche on Hogwarts Legacy, which is slated to release in 2022.

I graduated with my masters degree from the University of Utah’s master’s game studio, which is consistently in the top 5 globally for its game design program. Because my undergrad was in English, I’m a narrative and level designer with a strong writing and communications background.

I have a varied work history, from web development to PR, which makes me a good designer because it helps me assess and prepare for the needs and hurdles of my team. But most of all, I’m a novelist with diverse writing experience, from long-form fiction to short stories, scripts, and poetry. I decided to enter the gaming industry so that I would never have to stop storytelling, while still gaining valuable technical skills. My greatest goal is to be able to work on teams with ambitious, smart, and talented people, and to do so, I must always be learning.

As a level and narrative designer, my main philosophy is that a story is usually better experienced rather than just heard or seen through cutscenes and on-the-nose instruction. This means paying loving attention to and going the extra mile for environmental storytelling, organic worldbuilding, natural-sounding dialogue, and more.


I check email regularly.

Please wait while I create an email script: feel free to email me at
contact [at] jenniferjegan.com
jjoyceegan [at] gmail.com